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Canyon Heart

Monday, October 5th, 2020



Ted Burns

The Chemainus is probably the least known river on Vancouver Island that is close to major population centres. The river is only a half hour drive from Nanaimo and a matter of minutes from Duncan and Chemainus but few people are aware of its great beauty and recreational opportunities. This is unfortunate because the river has much to offer including a relatively pristine estuary, canyonlands of spectacular beauty and a fine spring run of steelhead. If the Chemainus wasn’t located in a land blessed by an abundance of lovely rivers, it would be very well known. Indeed. Move it to Texas and it would be a national park before you could say Sam Houston.

For ease of description, the Chemainus can be divided into four general areas: the lowlands, canyonlands mid reaches and upper river. Each has its own character and special features.

There is considerable settlement and several farms on the Chemainus lowlands in Westholme. This area is part of the combined Chemainus River – Bonsall Creek floodplain and estuarine lands. Despite a number of flood control threats and development proposals over the years, the river remains relatively undisturbed from adjacent development here and the estuary, despite the proximity of Crofton Pulp Mill to the south which discharges effluent into its outer portion and highly industrialized Chemainus Bay to the north, remains surprisingly pristine.

There are two very important fish habitat features in this zone: Miller Creek Wetland and Westholme Sidechannel. Because the river is so unstable in terms of flow and bedload, off channel habitat is very important for juvenile trout and salmon overwintering and adult spawning. Miller Creek Wetland is a winter haven for young coho, steelhead and cutthroat trout while the Westholme Channel provides spawning, rearing and overwintering. The channel is on the Halalt Reserve and the band, in cooperation with Fisheries and Oceans, has done much to improve it. Unfortunately, it is at risk from river instability.

The Chemainus Canyonlands begin not far above the Island Highway and extend upstream some eleven kilometres. This area is not all canyon in the strict sense of the word but most of it is well‑incised ravine and in its heart is the truly awesome Copper Canyon where towering walls produce a feeling of insignificance in those that venture into it. Other sections of the canyonlands feature dark cliffs of crumbling shale hung with large Douglas fir veterans sometimes leaning precariously over two hundred metre vertical drops.

Chemainus Potholes or Little Hells Gate. A once very popular place cut off by a highway upgrade.


In my opinion, the best time to visit the canyonlands is in the spring just about the time the dogwoods are blooming in late April and May. This is when the spring run of steelhead enters the river and moves rather quickly into the canyons. These fish, which consist of late winter and summer runs, are not large but they are clean and fast. Neither are they abundant. If there are more than one hundred, I’d be surprised and pleased. It’s the very fortunate angler who catches more than one or two of these lovely fish in a season. The fish usually move above Copper Canyon Falls ( a series of small falls and cascades that stop salmon except a very occasional coho) by late May. Beyond the falls, the steelhead are difficult to find and seldom bothered by anglers.

The Chemainus supports a few spring and fall chinook salmon, a small coho run, a sometimes large run of early chums along with a few typical run winter steelhead ( December to March) and cutthroat trout but is only noted for its spring steelhead run. Because of its instability, the Chemainus is not very productive.

From time to time, there are proposals to dam the Chemainus in the canyon to provide water for the fast growing municipality of North Cowichan. Plans have fizzled out so far but the threat remains.

The mid reaches of the river extend from Copper Canyon to Ten Cascades and Boulder (Chipman) Creek, a distance of some fourteen kilometres. The river is still well contained with short stretches of canyon and is largely inaccessible. A noteworthy aspect of this section is its popularity with kayakers. They put in at the bridge below Ten Cascades then paddle and drift downstream to a take out point near Holyoak Creek some twelve kilometres downstream.

Above Boulder Creek, the valley opens into a broader basin of lower river gradient. Gone are the high walls, giant boulders and bottomless pools of the canyons. They are replaced by more gentle terrain, gravel bars and log jams. This section of the river was ravaged by logging. Many stretches were yarded across with logs dragged through the river and up the banks. Few trees were retained along the stream and large sections of riverbank have eroded. Where alders returned to heal the wounds, they were killed with herbicides. Most of the logging happened in the fifties and sixties.

Except for some high, steep country and a few scattered parcels elsewhere, the entire watershed has been logged, some of it twice. Due to the rough terrain, the river turned it away for much of its length. The upper river was not as fortunate and it almost seemed as if the loggers gave it extra punishment to make up for the damage they couldn’t do elsewhere. Nobody logs this way anymore, even on private forest land of which most of the Chemainus is.

Unfortunately, the new era of awareness is too late for the Chemainus. This is a watershed that needed to be logged slowly and carefully. Its long narrow shape and lack of lakes or wetlands to buffer runoff was designed to shed water quickly. Add rapid clearcutting and an extensive road network to the picture and be prepared for some hard times especially if you are a fish. The river fluctuates widely between runoff events and a few heavy showers can turn it from gin clear to coffee coloured in an afternoon. A day’s hard rain can get its bedload moving.

Fortunately, the watershed is in a recovery mode and things can only get better. More people are becoming aware of the river’s great beauty and recreational potential and there is talk of a park in the Copper Canyon area. This is a wonderful idea for this highly deserving river and its canyon heartland.





Turn east off the Island Highway at the Westholme stoplight by the Red Rooster Cafe then go left at Westholme Rd. at 0.55 km. Turn left again at 1.0 km for the Halalt Campsite. The gate is often closed but its only a 600 m walk to the river and the Claybanks Pool and the Eagle Run downstream. This area can also be reached from the E+N tracks 0.6 km past the campsite turnoff.

At the Old Island Highway (Crofton Rd.) at 1.3 km from the light, turn left for .3 km to a tote road on the left which leads under the bridge. From this road, you can reach the Bridge Pool or follow the south side of the river downstream for 500 m to Log Jam Corner. You can wade the river here and hike the north side of the river downstream to the Swimming Hole.

Some people fish and swim around the Island Highway bridge.




Turn west off the Island Highway 1.8 km north of the bridge onto a rough road that backtracks for 0.3 km to a parking area. Its a 180 m hike down to the Potholes, a favoured summer swimming area and a place to try for the elusive spring run steelhead. Access to the Potholes has been cutoff by a highway upgade, A line of No Posts and lack of safe parking prevents people from using the area. One could remove some No Posts and clear a parking area but cars now travel at very high speeds here and getting on and off the road could be difficult and dangerous


Turn west from the highway onto Mt. Sicker Rd. at the Westholme light. Keep right at 3.8 km then turn right on Cranko Rd. at 5.0 km. Keep left at a junction at 5.9 km, drive thorough a gate past the gas pipeline to a parking area at the Black Cliff Pool. Walk upstream for the best water and a fine view of Banon Creek foaming into the river over a beautiful two stage falls.


Turn west off the highway at the flashing yellow light or River Rd. just north and drive west on Copper Canyon Mainline to Banon Creek Rd. at 2.8 km just past a small bridge. A right turn at 1 km just above a small gravel pit leads to a path to the Slot just 50 m before the end of this 2 km long road. By keeping straight at the junction by the pit, you come to the rod and gun club range. Park here and walk south on the rough road to where it branches. Bear left for the Gold Mine and right for the Sandy Pool and upstream water at the Swingrope and Backeddy Pool.


Stay on the logging road for 2.85 km beyond Banon Creek Rd. and look for a small rock quarry, lookout point and guard rocks. Park here and backtrack 100 m on the logging road. There is no path but its easy going through bedrock – arbutus openings and second growth for about 500 m to the river. The main falls is 150 m downstream from where you reach the river.


Some people proceed up the logging road to fish near the mouth of Boulder Creek or in Spartan Lake high in the headwater zone of the river or to hunt and hike throughout the area. There is a gate at Copper Canyon Camp well up river but its open during non working hours except hazardous periods (fire season or heavy snow).

The river’s mid reaches can also be reached Highway 18 (Lake Cowichan Highway) via Hillcrest Road. There is a little scout park in this area. Keep right at 3.9 km for the park. A left will take you up the South Side Logging Road known as HC 1000. Look for a road on the left 4.2 km in and 1.4 km beyond the powerline. This rough road leads 1.4 km down to a lovely stretch of canyon called ” The Gate .” Its much better to walk this road than to drive it.

The author in the canyon circa 1975

Times Colonist

The Islander

December 29, 1996

Loggers or Pool Boys?

Monday, October 5th, 2020


I once had a neighbor in Cowichan who refused to believe that logging companies could lock the gates at will. He was convinced that they were in the wrong and would suffer some serious consequences if people complained. I explained that for much of The Island the companies owned the land and could care less about public access. “That’s crazy” he said and ranted on .

July 30 003.jpg

Locked gates are everywhere on Vancouver Island private land logging roads

I wish it were so. A huge swath of The Island was handed over to the Dunsmuir family to construct the E and N railroad back in the 1880’s.Some two million acres and 750,000 dollars were doled out to their company. The swath is twenty miles wide and runs from Goldstream to the 50th parallel near Campbell River. I guess the plan was to jump start the Island economy and that happened as coal mining began in a big way. Dunsmuir was even more interested in the land value and began selling off parcels not suitable for mining as soon he could. The CPR bought the railroad and other lands and forest companies purchased large blocks. Dunsmuir reaped a fortune and built himself castles – Craigdarroch and Hatley Park – along with saving some prime land for himself such as a lovely block on the Upper Cowichan River in what would become Lake Cowichan. On this place he had his Chinese servants wrestle big boulders into the river to provide fishing platforms where you didn’t need to get your feet wet.


The E&N Land Grant

The companies started logging early in the twentieth century. It was slow at first when it might take all day to fall one large tree hauled off with oxen or horses. But it soon picked up with steam donkeys and railroads then power saws and trucks. The timber supply must have once seemed endless. I often imagine being with an explorer standing on an Island mountain like Heather where one could look east down the Cowichan Valley, then west down the Nitinat. I would try to tell him that almost all that timber would be cut in less than 100 years and the hills would be laced with roads. There had been camps the size of small towns and the woods had roared with noise: snorts, whistles engines and the crash of falling trees. Streams had been trashed and side hills washed to sea in the wild rage to cut down what was often considered the greatest softwood forest on earth


A Conservation Officer examines a small stream that logs were dragged through

I am certain my explorer friend would not believe my tale -. But it’s true. Yes, a form of the forest is still there and logging methods have improved dramatically since the “Glory Days”, especially on public forest land. The companies made billions and left the people of southeast Vancouver Island with a few scraps of old growth and an endless legacy of locked gates on private land.

There was a time not so long ago when the gates were open for a decade or more. It is interesting how it happened. Outdoors people had become very frustrated in the 1960’s. Led b y the Nanaimo and Victoria Fish and Game Clubs, they arranged a meeting between the clubs, the companies and the forest minister – Ray Williston. The year was 1962. I don’t think the companies were sweating it much. Williston was a member of W. A. C. Bennett’s Social Credit government – a government that was friendly to industry. In those days, the Forest Service was a different animal than today – much more industry friendly. Some would say an almost de facto employee of the forest industry – a branch plant of MacMillan Bloedel.

So when Williston challenged the clubs to show him some evidence that they were being locked out, they produced a letter from a company official that stated we are sorry but there is just enough fish and game in our claim for our employees so you guys are out of luck. Williston hit the roof and said that’s the end of this nonsense, you guys work out a solution or the government will pass an access or industrial roads act that will end it for you.

It wasn’t long before the gates were open. The deal was that they would be closed if logging crews were working somewhere behind them or there were hazards like fire or flood. Some companies even created small parks and campsites and had people man the main gates and collect information on use. Who can forget Lawrence Houghton at Nanaimo Lakes and Al Dyer at Nanaimo River Camp? Things were good. But it did not last. As the 1980’s dawned, things started to go backward. It wasn’t that noticeable at first. Roads got dug up here and there but companies were deactivating and putting roads to bed on a fairly large scale then which was a good thing. Then came more dug out trenches then locked gates. The companies cited garbage dumping, theft, and bush parties etc. as reasons. There is truth in these assertions and I would like to strangle the boneheads that gave the companies excuses to close their fiefdoms to legitimate users but the era would have ended sooner or later any way because a new factor was returning to the woods – big time greed.

The price of land was rocketing upward at a torrid pace and the companies recognized an opportunity to convert some of their private forest resource lands into real estate. TimberWest (once BC Forest Products) owns 804,000 acres of fee simple lands and have even created a real estate company to flog them. It won’t take much flogging. Imagine having a place on Cowichan Lake or Nanaimo River? How much would you pay? A West Vancouver developer told me he could easily make one hundred million dollars if he could get hold of the Cowichan Lake land between Honey moon Bay and the Caycuse Log sort and could get it rezoned to five acre lots. The Cowichan Valley Regional District has been holding the minimum lot size to 80 acres for a long time despite some hard charges by developers and their lawyers

So my own worst nightmares are coming true: housing tracts covering resource lands and preventing access to some of my favorite angling water. Far fetched?

A few weeks ago, some friends and I headed for Money’s Pool where the Ash River comes into the Stamp near Port Alberni. I hadn’t been since 1972 but this pool is very well known having been popularized by the writing of Roderick Haig – Brown who fished it with his friend General Noel Money. Money was a decorated military man and owned the Qualicum Beach Hotel. Sure enough, the trail was blocked by a big house with spike fencing. This area was supposed to be protected by a Recreational Fishing Corridor but when I checked with the Ministry of Environment, I was told they did not feel comfortable trying to apply the corridor to private land. My take is they were told to forget it by the government of the day.

TimberWest is trying to sell some superb resource land at Shaw Creek. High fish and forest values and an elk herd that has hung on for decades and may have supplied most of the elk that have re-populated large areas of the south In the early 1970’s, a survey revealed only ONE bull elk on the south end of the Island south of the Parksville – Alberni Highway (Highway 4). Through careful management and luck the herd has grown quite large but elk are not too compatible with suburbia

I guess I’m not either but maybe I will have to be as the companies become real estate developers. But my days are waning and I have had the best of what this spectacular province has to offer. What about the youth and theirs? How about the loggers, some of the hardest workers I know. Are they to be pool boys and lawn cutters? What about the mill workers and the mechanics, truck drivers and tree planters?

And what about the natives? Their land was taken away so someone from far away could build castles in Victoria and fill gold bathtubs with gin? How must they feel?

The fair thing would be to give the land back to the government so it could give reasonable amounts back to the natives. The rest would be retained as working forest, parks and lake and stream corridors. I doubt that will happen but what could occur is a return of the Forest Land Reserve. A program similar to the ALR where the high value forest lands cannot be sold for real estate.

It is beyond my comprehension that the Great Island Forest so productive and forgiving after all the years of abuse could be finally doomed by exploding suburbia and the loggers of Lake Cowichan and Port Alberni will be working as pool boys or firewood providers. The railroad is long gone so give the land back and take away the damn gates

Garbage in the Woods

Monday, September 28th, 2020

The Lake News, Lake Cowichan, B.C., Wednesday, April 18, 1990

We’re the top slobs

by Ted Burns

Lake Cowichan has one of the easiest waste disposal setups I’ve experienced. You put your garbage out once a week and its whisked away never to be seen again. If you have too much junk for curb side pick up, the incinerator is just a short hop away and it’s free.

Many would argue that it’s too easy and that there should be a recycling program. Indeed.

So why is there so much garbage in the bush?

Almost every old grade has mounds of household and yard junk scattered here and there. Old stoves and refrigerators, sofas and chairs, roofing materials, lumber and plywood, cans and bottles, magazines and newspapers, you name it. Then there are the highway ditches which collect litter at a depressing rate. I know of several area youths who have collected enough cans in a year to purchase expensive mountain bikes. There are many dollars worth of beer and pop cans in relatively small areas. Who among us is so rich that they can afford to toss money away?

I was raised in the Kootenays, the West Kootenay. Dumping garbage in the bush is unheard of there. It just doesn’t happen. Nor do people toss litter from their vehicles. I walked a mile of road

shoulder near Kootenay Lake last summer and found one small plastic bag with a McDonald’s cup inside it. There are no Golden Arches around Kootenay Lake, so it must have come from a tourist of which there are many.

A mile walk along Cowichan Valley highways would reveal a sickening amount of litter. Witness the mountains of garbage collected by high school students in this area last fall, a bulging bag every few hundred meters. The Valley Fish and Game club and Wilderness Watch collect gravel truck loads of junk on their forays into the woods. I’ve seen worse damping and littering, but only in Third World countries and backward regions of some U.S. states, never in B.C. or Canada. Some nearby portions of Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Courtenay and Chemainus, are almost as bad and parts of the Fraser Valley are right up there, but we take the crown as Canada’s top slob region.

Why? What can be done to curb bush dumping?

It is against the law to dump garbage randomly, but dumpers are almost never caught. The Litter Act is not a high priority with enforcement agencies, and people who dump garbage seldom leave anything with their name on it like cancelled cheques, mail or magazine subscription labels. When they are occasionally caught by a concerned person, the RCMP are glacially slow to take action.

Bush dumping will eventually cease as community attitudes toward the environment improve. For some reason, this area has been slow to adopt a green philosophy and a casual environmental attitude still prevails.

It shouldn’t last much longer. Help dispel it by encouraging your friends and neighbors to reduce, reuse and recycle. And if you know someone who dumps garbage in the woods, let them know that this foul deed is no longer acceptable. Inform them that the generation of swine is fast drawing to a close.


July 25/2020

I left Lake Cowichan in 1998 and lived in Chilliwack for twenty years. The situation was no better there. It may have been worse. The roads along the Fraser River and river bars themselves were loaded with junk. It was in Chilliwack that I was introduced to pallet burning for campfires. I guess the stores want to get rid of old pallets and they are there for the taking. People help themselves and they end up in burn piles on the river bars. After burning, loads of nails are left behind along with the usual garbage. Another Chilliwack junk feature was the large amount of yard slash. People of Chilliwack seem obsessed with keeping manicured yards and I have never seen so many lawn care/landscaping businesses. There is a green depot for yard waste but a lot of it also ends up in piles along backroads. Other businesses contribute as well. When Barbara and I lived in “the wack”, one of our favorite places was Murray Lake – a mountain lake not far from the Coquihalla Summit. Other Chilliwack people went there too on long weekends and such. One summer weekend a crew from a Chilliwack construction firm (Jakes) left truckloads of garbage behind in a meadow just north of the lake. It seemed like some of it was stuff they had brought up from job sites in the Fraser Valley.

Since 2018, we have lived in Port Alberni and I am pleased to report that the woods garbage situation is much better here. Mind you, access into the woods is highly curtailed by gates. These are supposed to be open on the weekends but you never can be certain and there is a constant fear of getting locked in if they are open. So people here don’t feel they have a license to dump their junk on logging roads. In fact I would venture to say there are more people picking up junk than dropping it off. Port Alberni folks also have put in substantial efforts to control broom along the highway.

So perhaps he corner has been turned and more people are cherishing the environment than trashing it.


Riparian Vegetation Important

Thursday, September 24th, 2020

The Lake News, Lake Cowichan, B.C., Wednesday, January 17, 1990

Riparian Vegetation Important

Stream bank vegetation is a very important component of healthy streams. It provides shade that reduces summer temperature, protects banks and property from erosion, acts as a buffer against sediment from upland runoff, insulates soils from the harmful effects of freezing and thawing and provides cover for fish in the form of root networks. The streamside canopy hosts a large number of insects in various stages of development. Many fall or are blown into streams and constitute an important food source for fish. This is especially so in many smaller creeks during the summer when some streams withdraw to isolated pools and the drifting food supply carried by moving water is no longer available. During this critical period, insects provided by the leaf canopy will make the difference between death and survival for many fish.

Leaves provided by riparian vegetation, especially alders, also contribute to the food budget of streams by providing forage for aquatic insects and contributing valuable nutrients as they decay. These nutrients, along with sunlight, form the base of the food chain in water and are very important in coastal streams which are nutrient poor due to high flushing rates and low nutrient soils.

Aside from biological considerations, streamside vegetation is an important esthetic element of the streamscape.

Most British Columbians are very aware of the values of streamside vegetation and the need to protect it. Logging companies, land developers, farmers, road builders and others are usually required to leave some vegetation along waterways. However, private land owners are usually not restricted and are sometimes tempted to include streams in landscaping projects. Some of these efforts result in complete removal of riparian vegetation. Unwittingly, these projects can damage stream banks and lower stream productivity.

The recently formed Lake Cowichan Village Waterways Committee will be sending a letter to property owners on the Cowichan River that stresses the importance’ of riparian vegetation and the need to protect and enhance it for the benefits of stream ecology and property protection.

The Upper River Riparian Zone is reasonably healthy but can be improved if property owners encourage the growth of natural vegetation like willow and red osier; low growing trees and shrubs with strong root networks that can be cropped if they grow too high or begin to create a jungle. A relatively narrow band is all that is usually necessary in most places and clearing narrow access paths to the river is compatible.

In these times of general decline in environmental quality, a community should do all it can to improve its environmental assets. The Cowichan River is one of our greatest.


A classic Upper Cowichan coho stream

New Chinook Spawning Bed

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Chinook Spawning Bed Installed Above Weir

100 tons of washed gravel was added to an existing chinook salmon spawning area just above the weir on the south side of Cowichan River on June 7. The purpose was to increase both the quality and area of the bed which consisted of pea gravel and sand – very marginal spawning habitat. Cowichan chinooks are on the decline again after more than a decade of strong returns. Only 1100 spawned last fall, a record low. Although the amount of spawning habitat is not a factor limiting chinook production, it was felt that improvement at this site would benefit the early run which is now nearly extinct and aid overall production. Lake outlets are ideal locations for spawning beds because of a stable supply of clean water and a rich food supply for emerging fry in the form of zooplankton (tiny animals that live near the surface of the lake). The weir spawning bed is the first place chinooks spawn in the Cowichan River and the only known location where early run fish spawn. These fish were formerly much more abundant than fall run fish and spawned in several Cowichan Lake tributaries like Shaw, Nixon, Sutton and Meade Creeks and Robertson River. There are probably less than 100 left from a population that was likely more than 100,000 prior to the early 1900’s.

The gravel was hauled up from Butler Brother’s pit near Duncan, loaded onto Wayne Robertson’s barge near Ashburnham Beach and towed almost to the site with a small tug. The water was too shallow for the tug to get the barge right to the site so it had to be lined down for the last 100 m and coaxed into place with an outboard. The gravel was then shovelled overboard by a seven-person crew consisting of Wayne and Owen Robertson, Philip Lorenson, Doug Blake, Chris Davis, Gord Neva and Ted Burns. Funding, equipment and materials for the project were provided by Norske Canada, Butler Brothers, South Shore Industries and the Pacific Salmon Foundation.

Ted Burns

Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society

Summer, 2004.

Lake Cowichan Gazette



Photo : Loading gravel onto the barge at Wayne Robertson’s barge landing near Ashburnham Beach – Owen Robertson operator.


Photo : Towing the load to the site


Photo : 100 tons of gravel


Photo : Shovelling the gravel onto the spawning bed


Deer on the Move

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

THE LAKE NEWS, Lake Cowichan, B.C. Wednesday November 30, 1988

Deer on decline? Or Not?

By Ted Burns

I’ve forgotten the year but it wasn’t more than 10 or 12 years ago. I was searching for a waterfall on the east fork of the Robertson River when I came across a large rut in the ground, almost a trench. I scratched my head for a while before realizing what I’d found: an old deer runway (trail) from the days when the Cowichan Lake area had one of the largest deer populations on Vancouver Island. Those times are long gone. Deer have declined remarkably here and all over the island in the last few decades. The main reason …the tight canopy of second growth forests.

Early logging and accompanying fires created a bonanza for deer. Thousands of hectares of new slash and nutritious browse. And there was still lots of old growth to provide food and shelter in harsh winters. Deer became as numerous as grasshoppers in the dry fields of August. In the Nimpkish Valley, the last area in the Douglas fir zone to experience ideal habitat conditions, I counted more than 800 deer along a two-mile stretch of road. The year was 1972.

But the rapid progressive clear cutting that caused deer populations to climb is also the main reason for their fall. As the new forest returned, its canopy cut off sunlight and the deer food supply. Because logging was so rapid, large areas of relatively even-aged second growth now cover much of the east slope of Vancouver Island and deer are the worse for it. Deer were never abundant on the West Coast of the Island except in scattered pockets.

There are now more deer in old growth forests than in second growth. The stands are not as dense, there are more natural openings and the lichens that grow on old trees provide a good deal of food when branches are brought down by winds or decay. Tree lichens are the major food source of deer in winter.

Should a severe winter occur in the near future, there could be a catastrophic deer die-off because the winter habitat value of second growth is low. The last really hard winter on the South Coast was 1968-69. 20 years ago.

It’s not likely that there will ever be very large numbers of deer on Vancouver Island again in my life time. The old growth forests are still being opened on the West Slope but soil nutrients are low in cedar-hemlock forests and there are few deer even in ideal habitat. Deer will always be present however and there will be pockets of abundance as there are now, particularly in mountain herds and in the lowland resident deer around farm land.

There could be reasonable numbers of deer again if the rate of future logging is not so rapid and it is spaced over larger areas; a more patchwork pattern instead of progressive clear cutting. And if selected stands of timber are left to reach old age and provide winter range, deer numbers could someday approach those of years ago. There may still be a few stands of what I call core habitat – scruffy old growth on rocky south and west facing slopes with lots of lichens. These places must be absolutely protected. I don’t think it will happen but the choice is there.

Update – July 20, 2020

It is now 2020 and deer have become urbanized. There are more than a few places in BC where deer are now almost pests. I moved to Port Alberni in 2018 and, on the first trip downtown, we saw a four point buck marching down Third Avenue which is the main street. It was a quiet Sunday morn and Port Alberni is by no means an expanding metropolis. It has lost population since the 1970’s. But I was still surprised. I shouldn’t have been. The lady we bought our house from kept a paint ball gun handy to protect her flowers. We took no action and now have several deer that are part of the family. We are kind of on the edge of town and deer love the place. Important stuff is fenced but the deer are constantly on the lookout for something that over tops or pokes thru the


Other island communities are similar. Even parts of Victoria have deer. Some of these places are quite urban – to developed for deer but they are there, Never mind Grand Forks or Cranbrook which have lots of deer.

As surprising at it may be to see a deer family in your yard, you still do not see many out in the bush. Some people think that deer have adapted to the urban life for protection from predators. I think they are simply taking advantage of the superior habitat conditions provide by the favorable mix of openings, forest patches at variable seral stages along with gardens and fruit trees.

I should say that overall logging practices have improved greatly since the early seventies. Smaller, openings, less roads and improved streamside and riparian treatment but the rush to replenish harvestable stands is not going to change and most of the working forest will be tree farms of questionable habitat value for deer.

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A nice buck feasting on plums near my Lake Cowichan driveway


The Characters of Nelson

Sunday, May 24th, 2020


The Characters of Nelson


It seems like the City of Nelson has always had a unique collection of colorful individuals. In the early days there were people Like Colonel Lowery with his poison pen and newspapers. Then came folks like Wo Lee who fascinated the kids of Fairview and was wonderfully described by John Norris. Taffy Jack and Coal Oil Johnny were other characters of earlier times. Coal Oil Johnny was a neighbor to the Burns family. He lived up the mountain above the house and sometimes visited. That was before my time however. I guess my time to write about the Nelson oddballs was the 1950’s and there was no shortage then. Indeed.

Somewhere up by Mountain Station was Radio Bill. Every so often he would march downtown. He wore a kind of piece – meal military uniform with boots and ribbons and carried two staffs. He always walked straight upright in the military style. We often saw him on Josephine Street going past St. Josephs. I did not know him and never heard him speak but the kids of my age wove fantastic stories about his background.

In my Kootenay Street neighborhood, we had Paul and Mike Tickleball; two elderly Russians who we guessed were gay. They could sometimes be found sprawled out on the west sidewalk of Stanley Street between Latimer and Mill. They sang and laughed and propositioned little boys. We thought they lived out Cottonwood Creek by the location of the old city power plant. There were a few old bachelors out there enjoying their elderberry and dandelion wine.

Cheapie was a little Chinese man who wore a pith helmet and pulled a small wagon. He also carried around a Chicago Bankroll that was pretty fat but had to be mostly show. You could never get him to shed a dime and he was said to become irate if you pressed him. He was often seen downtown and on Vernon near the Liberty Market.

Merv Crosby roamed the downtown alleys looking for boxes he could peddle to stores or people. He often had a huge armload and had developed very creative ways of carrying them.

Cowboy Bill was missing his legs below his knees. It was said he lost them in a rodeo accident. He scuttled around on a mechanics cart and was quite mobile on paved and level ground. He lived in the riparian jungle on the CPR Flats near the mouth of Cottonwood then later moved to Shirley Beach. He fed himself from what he could glean from the dump which was right at hand. We fishermen often saw his track leading to the garbage of the day. Quite few hobos lived in the brush and big cottonwoods there. There was a family we called the Boyce Boys who it was said had a small farm or ranch near the little wetland and pond near where the Two Mile Pond sewage treatment plant  by Grohman Park. We couldn’t tell if the Boyce Boys were boys or girls because they all wore the same clothes and had short hair. Hank Coleman solved part of the mystery. He was landing his plane at the dump-cum- airstrip one day when he spotted one of the Boyce clan and Cowboy vigorously making love among the junk. I think the Boyce gang moved up Wildhorse Creek near Ymir where they shot a bobcat and had to appear in court in Creston. They walked all the way over only to be told their case had been postponed.

Then there was George. A fine gentleman who was often seen at Baker and Stanley by the Hudson’s Bay Store. He helped people cross the street and would often have a small conversation with you. He was around for years.

The best known character was my old pal Bruno Bourgeois. Bruno was very friendly and outgoing and loved by all. He could usually be found around Central School. Once I tried to talk him into breaking a window there. He threw a rock but the window failed to break. We tried at other times but he would give you a sly look and decline. He had a sister who was very close to him and she must have warned him about the bad boys of the neighborhood. He used to frequent Nelson Maple Leaf games and one night he got his call:  the public address announcer called for a doctor whose name sounded very close to Bruno’s. He was over the boards in a hot second and raced over to the players’ bench. He stayed there for about the rest of the period so the team likely realized what happened and were happy to go along.

Bruno was part of the fabric and charm of Nelson but eventually he got too old and was shuffled off to the Endicott home in Creston where he died a few years ago.

Spider Hansen was another one of a kind character. He showed up about 1955 and lived in a small house in the alley off the end of Mill Street. This alley runs from Carbonate to Latimer. He was a friendly fellow but had a rather short fuse at times. I remember one time Fred Goldsbury was teasing Spider after hockey. Spider started to fume and spit then threw a skate like a spear. It stuck into the dressing room wall just inches from Fred’s head. Skate guards were yet to be invented.

Spider loved to fish and would spend hours around the City Wharf and boathouses dangling some dough on a small hook to catch shiners or small chub. Once an eighteen inch rainbow raced into the school of shiners and grabbed Spider’s hook by mistake. Spider was in his glory. He put the trout on his bike handlebars and rode around town glorifying in his great catch.

Spider hung around the truck terminus to bum rides to fishing spots across Canada and one day failed to return to his pick up spot somewhere on the prairies.

The last time I saw him was perhaps 1968. I was hitch hiking to Nelson from Creston when I gave up and walked back to town. I hadn’t seen Spider for many years when suddenly he turns up. “Hey Teddy, let’s go for a beer”. That was one of his most endearing qualities: no matter how long it had been since you last saw him, he greeted you like it had only been a few days. We went in to the Creston Hotel and had a few before we took the bus back to Nelson sharing a six pack as snow caked the landscape out the window.

Goodbye old pal. I hope you found a spot where the rainbows are big and feisty.


Saturday, August 24th, 2019



TED BURNS (adapted from a BC Forest History Newsletter article by Kerry Joy BC Parks Forester and former resident of Alberni Valley)

In 1886 a wagon road was punched from Nanaimo to Port Alberni. It was located on the north side of Cameron Lake. By 1911 the road was moved to the south shore and the railroad was located on the north side. These routes enabled the transfer of people and commerce and allowed people to experience the magnificence of a rich part of the Island Forest. At this time, commercial logging was just beginning to get underway on the coast.

HR MacMillan, BC’s first Chief Forester was highly aware of the value of old growth forester. As an entrapanuial opportunist, he staked claims on some of the best timber on the coast by obtaining rights to entire river valleys including the Cameron.

When the road improved, the forest industry in the Alberni Valley began to flourish and the population swelled with the increasing number of jobs in the woods and the mills. Travel over the Hump also picked up and it became traditional to stop at The Grove for a picnic or short stroll though the giants. It was said the Cathedral Grove was given its name by Governor General Viscount Willington during a 1928 visit.

For the next fifteen years, pressure was applied to HR MacMIllan by different groups including the Vancouver Island Tourist Association to donate Cathedral Grove as a park. HR stood fast citing the high timber value and its importance to his company’s growth.

Finally at a meeting with the Vancouver Island Tourist Association in 1944, HR relented and stormed out of the hall yelling “alright you can have the G.D. Grove”! The public victory resulted in park protection for 136 ha of old growth in the Lower Cameron Valley. Although The Grove trees are not the tallest or largest in the province there are heights over 50-69 m and girths up to 4.5 m. Most importantly over 300, 00 people visit each year and The Grove is the only highway accessible stand of old growth Douglas fir in BC.

Although H.R.(Harvey Reginald) gave up the grove to the delight of many, his company slammed his decision for many years after ranting that the decadent old trees were past their prime and would blow down. They should be logged before that happened they asserted. They did their best to hasten windfall by logging the rest of the upstream valley right up to The Grove. Sure enough, serious blow down has occurred and will likely continue as the forest thins out.

In 1990, a punchy pineapple express storm roared through The Grove blowing down 6 ha of forest and causing some major channel shifts and bank erosion on the Cameron River. Another 1996 storm slammed into the Grove with considerable damage.

Hopefully, The Grove will persist for much longer and people will continue to marvel. What I find ironic is that Cathedral Grove is by far the most outstanding legacy of HR MacMIllan and his company: MacMillan Bloedel.


Clear cutting the Cameron Valley up to The Grove aided blow down.


A Very Worthy Place

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018


It must have been in the spring of 1969 – a spring that followed a very tough winter – one of BC, s strongest ever. The old road still meandered up to the Lake and the Black Cat Café was the downtown hotspot. The Riverside beer parlor was full on Friday and Saturday nights and logger fights sometimes spilled out onto the street. Lake Cowichan was a forestry town then as it still is but it was going at a much stronger pace. The mills at Youbou and Honeymoon Bay were still fully engaged and logging was booming –literally. The lake was full of boomed logs and the shores were laced with debris. Cowichan Lake was not the super clean lake of water skiers and boaters that it is today.
I had been living in Victoria after myself and fellow biologist Ian Smith left Nanaimo. Ian stayed working for the Fish and Wildlife Branch while I signed up with the BC Lands Branch with a group of land use specialists working with Jon Secter. We provided advice on applications for Crown land Use and I served on several special committees such as Mines Reclamation, Pacific Estuaries and Linear Developments like roads and pipelines.
I stayed at Ian’s place at Esquimalt Lagoon for awhile then moved to a fine old house on Fern Street to be with my pals from Nelson. Ross and Rod McKay were there along with Jack Carpenter and Jim Thast. Also on hand were some of Victoria’s finest such as Ken Smithers. Dave Fisher, Carl Swantje, John Block and James Campbell Moore. Rob Falls came over from Burnaby and Terry Andrews from Trail put in a few shifts. We frequented downtown saloons like the Beaver and the Drake, had Cougars season tickets and biked and hiked around the South Island. It was a very good group but it couldn’t last because our houses kept being torn down. The first place was the beautiful heritage home on Fern Street built by former premier John Oliver in 1918. The owner was a developer who told us the house was likely to go. He gave us a good deal on the rent and rented us another house nearby but it came down too.
I stayed with a friend for a few weeks then high tailed it to Lake Cowichan. I found a little cedar house with a south aspect and a nice view of Big Mesachie Mountain. I worked on the Cowichan Estuary Task force trying to find ways to reduce log storage and other intrusive uses on the estuarine ecosystem. The government had permitted a large sawmill to establish where a smaller mill had operated and hoped that the extra needs could be somehow accommodated by more careful planning and operation. It was a difficult fit at best.
Not long after I arrived at the Lake, I was visited by a group from the Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society: Leo Nelson was the president and Earle Darling and Art Watson were directors.
Earle was the village mayor and very adept at drawing funding. Art was a teacher and expert on the Cowichan Watershed. The society had some outstanding projects just getting underway and it was evident that there were many more to be documented. At that point I vowed to take on a mission that had been dancing around me for decades – a holistic inventory of fish habitat and enhancement opportunities in an important watershed in BC. Many claimed the Cowichan was the best known river system in BC but, in truth, very little was known. I had just returned from a cross – Canada tour to assess the level of anticipatory planning by DFO and was often told “we don’t have much here but they are on top of the Cowichan in BC”. I had experienced something similar when I went down to Nanaimo to work with the BC Fish and Wildlife Branch. I was looking forward to working in an area where a lot of information was available on the lakes and streams especially maps showing where fish were present. There was nothing other than some dusty old rolled up cadastral maps with nothing on them except a few lot boundaries. Much of my time was spent working on fish distribution maps for the Van Isle Region. I could see that documenting fish habitat in the Cowichan basin was going to take some time as well. In fact it took me more than 20 years.

In the mean time the society had lots of more immediate and ongoing work to get on with.
Beaver Creek is a small, over mature stream that flows some 2.5 kilometers from small lake of the same name to Cowichan Lake. It passes through a lovely forest corridor and the backyards of Lake Cowichan and most of all; it was Leo Nelson’s neighborhood creek. He had noticed a few trout and salmon fry in his wanderings but also noted that they were gone in a few weeks because the stream, except for a few pools, dried up. The channel was also filled with muck and debris and beavers had been having they’re way with it- it would be a struggle for fish to get through the dams and masses of old logging junk.
So Leo, not one to fiddle, took a backhoe to the channel and pulled out tons of muck and debris. We were assisted by Trevor Morris our DFO community adviser who was also not a fiddler. We went on to construct a smolt release – flow control dam at the outlet of Beaver Lake and add habitat features such as pools and spawning gravel to the creek. We also added a trail and some bridges. In good years, the creek has coho returns of 600 or more and our group is still not finished. We constructed an inlet to Beaver Lake we call Jim’s Creek after Jim Humphries of Beaver Lake Resort. It also gets a very healthy return and cutthroats from Beaver Lake also use it. A headwater marsh we call Fairservice Lake is waiting to be impounded as it was in the early days of Lake Cowichan when it provided power for the village. Water storage at Fairservice Lake would deliver additional needed water to Beaver, Jim’s and Halfway Creek and more or less complete our efforts on Beaver.
Our society operates a fry salvage program for local streams that are good producers but dry extensively in summer. We are often able to rescue more than 100,000 fry and relocate them to safe habitat. This is an ongoing program started by DFO in the 1930’s but it had lapsed before we took it on with Cowichan Tribes who salvage the Lower Cowichan and tributaries such as Glenora Creek. Fry salvage was intended for students and many were introduced to fish biology and environmental stewardship by the program.
Education is another objective of the society and we think we do it pretty well. Teachers invite our input to their classes and we go as often as possible, we have been part of the popular DFO program Salmonids in the Classroom for nearly our whole existence and kids come out on fry salvage and adult counts from time to time. We also have a “Fisheries Trail” near a school and kids chip in with riparian planting. One of our members has a demonstration watershed where students can see the effects of different land surfaces on run off. We also have a small hatchery in a building we constructed with the Lions Club. We do a few thousand coho eggs each year along with some chum salmon.
Of course, habitat improvement and protection are our prime mandates. We and other public involvement groups in the Greater Cowichan Region have some 618 pages and 500 projects to work our way through in the plan I undertook when I became involved. That will take awhile.
After Beaver Creek and our hatchery were up and running, we started working on the Robertson River system which is a good producer but suffers from unstable winter flows and extensive summer drying. It has a groundwater fed side channel that was simply outstanding and drew bus loads of students from Nanaimo and Victoria to see swarms of coho navigate a creek one could almost jump across. The fish attracted plenty of eagles and bears as well. It was a real circus. However, its channel had filled to the point where the water table no longer reached the surface except for a few times in high winter runoff. The creek was shutting down. When we did our spawner surveys, all we found were pits where raccoons had dug up dead eggs in the dry channel. We removed some 45,000 cubic metres of sand-gravel overburden from the channel. Flow resumed and the fish came back. We even had more than 10,000 chum salmon one year and learned that way back in the old times that Cowichan Elders called Robertson Side channel Qualicum Creek because of the chums. They told us it was a favorite place for the elders to fish because the chums were somewhat soft and easier to eat than those further down. Our group also did a few years of chums in the hatchery with the goal of increasing them in Cowichan Lake tributaries thus improving lake productivity with the input of additional nutrients from the carcasses.

In conjunction with our friend Ted Harding who was working with Hancock Timber, we created several channels and rearing ponds on Meade and Sutton Creeks. These have all survived and are producing well. One needs to be very careful about any floodplain enhancement on the coast because floodplain means just that. A lot of money and effort has been put into channels that have completely washed away.
Another channel we created on the Robertson was designed for winter refuge. We put in lots of cover logs with root wads and planted willows and alder for overhang cover. It has produced well but is constantly being colonized by beavers that enjoy our riparian planting.
Our little group has taken on some thirty fish habitat improvement projects over the years and most have fared very well. When the Salmon Enhancement Program was first proposed in the 1970’s,DFO engineers had a strong grip on the wheel and things were headed toward more hatcheries and spawning channels with emphasis on big numbers and fast returns. But some had other ideas. I recall Dick Harvey (then manager of the Big Qualicum River project) and I attended a SEP information session in Victoria and spoke up for more natural enhancement and the involvement of conservation groups. We left with the feeling that our input was not considered to be very important. Looking back now, it is evident that public involvement is clearly one of the most important components of the Salmon Enhancement Program – indeed. I doubt that anything Dick or I said had anything to do with it. No one ever imagined that there would be so much fervor for the idea. It was a tide that could not be stemmed and has almost created a sub-culture of environmentalism. It has certainly provided a positive outlet for the energy of action oriented people like Leo Nelson. The resource has a whole new community of dedicated workers that stand up for the fish in every way they can
Looking back over the life of our group to date, the most satisfying thing for me is that we were able to change the language on the environment. When I first began living at The Lake, it felt like local governments had the attitude that any development was a very good thing and should be accommodated with gusto. People were not giving the valley the value it deserved, there was the notion that why would these big time developers be interested in our little backwater so we should not discourage them. They simply did not realize what they had and that someday developers would be crawling over each other to get a hold on Cowichan property especially along the lake or river. Our members attended lots of hearings and spoke to local government members and other community groups as often as we could to help turn the corner. I wrote a periodic newspaper column on fish and the environment. We were especially proactive about Cowichan Lake. It was becoming evident to us that people had changed dramatically in their aspirations for lake shore living. Where a decade or so back people were content with a small house or cottage, a wharf and maybe a rowboat or canoe and lived at ‘summer camp’ for a few months a year; the new people were not content with that. They wanted a large house, lots of pavement, a 500 channel TV and a roaring ski boat. Many also wanted to chop any brush and plant a lawn they could mow to the water’s edge. The Better Homes and Gardens crowd was coming and parts of the lake were looking more like California subdivisions rather than rural BC lakeshores. We mailed information packages to every lakeshore property owner and visited many and the province brought in The Riparian Areas Regulation but we still found it hard to convince people that a natural lakeshore was much more beautiful and beneficial than a manicured and artificial shore. To this day, we still struggle with this but the tide is gradually turning. The privatization of the South Island began some 160 years ago with the massive E&N Land Grant and this has made it more difficult to protect what should be public riparian shores but our efforts have gone a long way to convince people that lake and river shores are some of the most valuable lands in the province and development around them should only be done with the greatest care if at all. And if you are fortunate to live on a shore, cherish and protect it instead of trying to turn it into an urban landscape.
I still have my little cedar house in Lake Cowichan and hope to hang onto for a few more years so I can still enjoy the wonders of that oh so worthy place. The great mayfly hatches in the late spring and early summer, the sight of the lovely pastoral Cowichan River coursing through the town, swimming at the Duck Pond and Little Beach, tubing down the river and walking downtown on Friendship Trail.
Lake Cowichan, think of yourself as the best place to live on the BC Coast because you are most certainly are and make others believe that it is great privilege so they will keep it what it is as long as possible.

Lifetime Gift

Sunday, September 9th, 2018

It was probably around 1952 when my father took me to my first hockey game. It was at the old Civic Center Arena in beautiful Nelson, BC, the Queen City of the Kootenays. And it was something I’ll never forget.
We walked down the long flight of stairs into a rink pulsing with noise and color. It was pure excitement. The snow white ice and the green and white uniforms of the Nelson Maple Leafs clashing with the orange and black of their arch rival Trail Smoke Eaters. This was top flight senior hockey of The Western International Hockey League (WIHL) that also included teams from Kimberley and Spokane and sometimes Cranbrook, Rossland and Columbia Valley. In those days there were no junior leagues and only six NHL teams. There were minor pro leagues like the WHL and AHL but players were not paid much and WILH teams often offered solid jobs that were highly valued. Trail had the Cominco Smelter and Kimberley had the Sullivan Mine. Spokane was a real city with lots of work. Nelson didn’t have a lot of work but it was a great town and attracted some good players. Indeed.
Our seats were across the rink on the north side and we crossed behind the Trail net to get there. As we went by players slammed into the screen and ice chips flew into the air and grazed my face. Sweat was mixed in and you could hear the players grunting and cursing. The puck went out to the blue line and was slammed off the screen with great force. I was shocked at the speed and intensity of this game and still marvel about it.
I can recall some of the players from that night. John Sofiak was the Trail goal tender and Bruno Pasqualotto was one of his defenseman. I remember Glen Smith, Don Appleton and Ernie Gare from the Leafs. Bill Haldane, Johnny Harms and Lee Hyssop were also playing around that time and were great forwards. Red and Fritz Koehle were stand outs and Gordy Howe’s brother Vic was also a Leaf. Abe Howe, their father claimed that Vic was the better player. I guess he didn’t know hockey that well. But Lester and Frank Patrick did. They also played in Nelson in the earlier days as did their sister Dora. Joe Patrick, their Dad had a lumber mill at Crescent Valley out in the Slocan west of Nelson. He might have known my Great Uncle Harry Burns who had a mill then a Tree Farm License at Passmore just up the valley. Uncle Harry was a great fan of the Leafs and always gave me a quarter when I saw him at the games. My Mom and Dad went to a few games and were friends with some of the players like Ernie Gare and Johnny Harms. Bill Vickers who had played earlier lived nearby and he and his family were friends. Mary Vickers used to come creek fishing with us and Terry and Lorraine, their kids were pals with my brother Tom and sister Kathleen. Mary was also Betty Olsen’s sister. Betty was a close friend from Ainsworth and a second mother to the Burns Kids. My mother was a very excitable fan and tended to get a bit wild. One night Bobby Kromm, a hated Trail player who later coached the Smokies to a world championship and coached in the NHL, was felled by a crunching hit and lay bleeding on the ice. My Mother egged on by her friend Marie Stangherlin, jumped up and screamed “I hope you die Kromm’’. I tried to hide but there was no place. Kromm was definitely not liked but he coached the Leafs almost to an Allan Cup one year.
Emotions ran high in the WIHL and there were some players that you loved to hate. Gord Andre of Kimberley was a giant and as rough as they came. Who can forget Tom Hodges of Spokane and Terrible Ted Lebioda? Nelson had Vic Lofvendahl who could but you right through the boards and Con Madigan played for the Leafs in 1958 and was rookie of the year in the NHL one year believe it or not. He never garnered a vote for the Lady Byng.
There was hockey in Nelson way back in the 1890’s. Old time players like Archie Bishop, Joe Thompson, Si Griffiths and the O’Genski brothers were stars. Harold Chapman played in the early years. In the 1960’s I slung beer at the Queens Hotel in Nelson. Harold lived upstairs and would come down for a shaky morning beer to get the day going. The West Kootenay Region is the cradle of BC Hockey and Nelson, Kaslo and Rossland got it started.
There was a senior league in the Okanagan in the 1950’s that rivaled the WIHL. Penticton, Vernon, Kelowna and Kamloops had some very good teams and there were some outstanding games between the two leagues. The playoffs of 1954 featured the Nelson Maple Leafs and Penticton Vees led by the Warwick brothers: Grant, Bill and Dick. Grant had played for the New York Rangers and coached the Vees. Clare Palmer and I camped out overnight for tickets and witnessed the most exciting hockey anyone has ever seen. Nelson had the Vees on the ropes and needed only a tie to cinch the series. In game seven the Leafs were trailing by one goal with about ten minutes to go. They had the puck in the Vees end for nearly the whole time. We were seated at the Vees blue line and watched Nelson’s Mickey Maglio hammer shot after shot off every part of Vees stick man goalie Ivan McClelland’s battered body. McClelland won the game for them and the Vees went on to win the world championship in Germany.
The Okanagan Senior League kind of petered out after that and was replaced by the BC Junior Hockey League but the WIHL soldiered on and entered a new era featuring younger players but just as exciting hockey.
Ernie Gare, a Leaf stalwart of the fifties started a scholarship program at Notre Dame University, a Catholic college in Nelson. Skiers and hockey players signed up and some outstanding results developed. Rossland’s Nancy Green won a World Cup and the Leafs became a powerhouse. Players like Murray Owen, Bill Steinke and Buck Crawford came down from Kamloops and other players filtered in from the prairies and joined some great local players like Don Holmes, Mike Laughton, Hugh Hooker and Howie Hornby. The Leafs won a couple of Savage Cups and came close to the Allen Cup but lost it in Sherbrooke, Quebec to a powerhouse team.
Like many Kootenay kids, I tried my hand at hockey and played at the bantam level. Tom Ramsay and Gary Kilpatrick were my close friends and played on the same team. Tom and I were third line slugs but Gary was a star. His Dad was a Leaf hero and won a gold medal while playing for Britain in the 1936 Olympics. He was the youngest player on that team. Mack Macadam was our coach and I was glad to get some playing time. I have a disease that prevented me from metabolizing glucose for energy so I really could not get up to speed and became so tired that one time I had to crawl back to the bench. My highlight was scoring a goal in Trail when I fell in the corner and everyone started back down the ice. The puck was whacked back to my corner as I got up and was not off side. I grabbed the puck, skated in front of the Trail net and snuck in a backhander much to the chagrin of some Trail fans who had been heckling me for the entire game. I think it was the only goal I ever scored. Gary Kilpatrick went on to play pro and finished his career in Nelson coaching and playing for the Leafs.
In 1987 the WIHL folded its tent for the last time. Junior Hockey in the form of the Kootenay International Junior League came in and has been OK. Trail joined the BCHL while Cranbrook and Spokane are in the new WHL, which is now a major junior league. Kimberley is in the KIJHL with a number of smaller Kootenay and Interior towns.
A lot of us dearly miss the old WIHL where the players got 20 bucks a game, often drove their own cars on road trips and drank more than a few beer parlors dry but oh did they play. Seeing those games was the gift of a lifetime.

Lord Stanley’s Steelhead

Friday, August 31st, 2018


There can be no finer time and place than spring on the South Island. It starts very slowly in James Bay gardens when the first snowdrops poke up in January. Out in the nearby woods listen for the tin whistle of the varied thrush and look for the Indian Plum buds. On the rocky hills of Thetis Lake Park will be Satin Flower, Blue Eyed Mary and Spring Gold. Winters on the South Island are usually quite mild and not too hard to take but spring is still much appreciated – indeed. I sometimes imagine a great satellite image of the province that starts to light up with spring. First the rims of the South Island: Victoria, Cowichan Bay, Nitinat Lake, and St. Andrews Church Yard in Nanaimo. Then Delta and on out the Fraser Valley and into the Southern Interior at Places like Osoyoos and Creston. By that time the lights are coming on strong and everyone is starting to feel some light and color.
By mid April on the South Island there is the green mist of alders. In the river valleys, some salmonberry blossoms and even some early showings of Dogwood in the canyons of the Chemainus River will be thrilling people who notice such things. Most steelheaders will be starting to pack away their gear and thinking of breaking out the trout tackle. Even the summer steelhead aficionados will take a break. But not all. There are few real fish hawks that know a spring run of fresh steelhead comes in long after the winter runs are done and gone. A surprising number of streams get a few fish and even enough that could be classed as a small run. But they are usually on the verge of spawning and shouldn’t be bothered. The males are often aggressive and easily caught with a flashing spoon.
Ted Harding Senior was an angler who knew the spring runs. Ted was a mentor to a number of Nanaimo area steelheaders including his son, Ted junior. I once fished with Ted Senior and Mike Prey on the Big Qualicum River. I had spotted a steelhead lying beneath a big cedar stump that overhung the river. If you snuck up and peered between the roots, you could see the fish clearly. Ted went upstream and drifted a piece of roe held up by a float right to the fish. You could tell she saw it and was going to take it when she shifted her position just a tad and her pectoral fins started to quiver. As the bait came, she openened her mouth and sucked it in only to spit it out in the blink of an eye. No signal went up the line and the float did not move at all. That was a lesson I would not forget and I kept a hook sharpening stone with me at all times thereafter I think many steelhead just gently mouth the lure or bait to test it and get hooked when the current is fast and they catch the hook a bit when they try and spit it out. If the angler is fortunate he feels something and tries to set the hook. If it’s sharp, bang!
It was Ted Harding Senior who told me about the spring fish in the Chemainus. “Mother’s Day Steelhead, I call them” he said. “Wait until then before you try them.”
Of course, I didn’t wait and was prowling the river in April hoping to find an early fish or two. I was not alone. Ted Harding Junior was often there too. He had a little boat he put in at Four Mile near Banon Creek Falls and took out near the highway. The river was so beautiful and the promise of a good fish was there so it simply was not possible to wait while the sun warmed the canyons and the dogwoods painted the landscape. But I never caught a fish in April despite some frequent, prolonged efforts. I fished from below the highway to well up in the rough canyons – nothing and that went on for years. I learned a lot and found some good trails to places I was sure held fish at times but I neither caught nor saw any. I would go so far as to wait at Copper Canyon falls which stop all fish except steelhead. I hoped I would see one leaping at the falls but I never did. After a few years, I wondered if the fish were still there. Summer swimmers would call me “saw some steelhead in the Forestry Pools” they would tell me. I would head down with mask and snorkel and see a dark kelt or two. Years back when I worked for the BC Fish and Wildlife Branch, I spent a lot of time working with the Cooper Canyon loggers because the upper river had been trashed and I needed them to change course. I remember Tibor Jando, Tom DeBozy, John Phillips and Cougar Clem Ingram as some of the M and B guys who knew the river up around camp. They told me they sometimes saw groups of steelhead in the upper river. But I never did. I must have stopped the Boulder Creek Pool a hundred times.
One year in the 1970’s, I swam upstream from Four Mile to Copper Canyon Falls. The river was crystal clear. It was famous for that before the loggers went wild. Trevor Green sometimes told me that he had never seen a river so clear. He said the Cowichan used to be like that before they started booming in Cowichan Lake. Trevor was a well respected historian and naturalist who lived in Lake Cowichan from around 1912 until his death in 2009.
I kept careful notes of the swim. I saw lots of resident rainbow/juvenile steelhead
Including some good sized fish of twelve inches or more, some of them had distended stomachs from feeding on caddis larvae. I could see the outlines of the gravel cases pushing the fish stomach walls. After swimming for about an hour, I came to a place so deep I could not see bottom. Suddenly a massive fish came out of the depths and sped up to the pool head where he crowded under a ledge. It was an early run Chinook salmon. I had forgotten these rare giants were still around. Quite a number of Island Rivers have them – Nanaimo, Cowichan and Puntledge to name a few. David Groves of Westholme has a small hatchery dedicated to keeping the Chemianus early spring salmon going.
It was exciting to see the big spring and I was glad for it but there were no steelhead. Later that year, I took the mask and snorkel along and poked into some more hidden holes in the canyon reaches. Some were breathtakingly beautiful and I was sure I would find some fish tucked away in a deep green pool. I had some great swims and found some lovely places but there were no steelhead.
I halted my search in the early 1990.s. The Copper Canyon logging road was gated and security guards made life miserable for people trying to access the river. I was still in the process of my inventory of Cowichan area fish habitat and used to go up beyond camp and spend a few days in my camper as I completed the work. “Not permitted” said the guards. For awhile I went in via Widow Creek, a backdoor route near Youbou that was tenuous at best but it washed out as did a portion of the mainline above Rheinhart Creek. I even found a way in from Mt. Franklin on a marmot searching expedition but it was really rough – a truck destroyer. So I kind of gave up on my steelhead search. I knew they were there and the river was recovering from the logging abuse so why bother so much?
Then sometime in the mid 1990’s, a fortunate event occurred – the Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society of which I was a director, participated in a Fishermen’s Assistance program. The commercial fleet had been decimated by fewer openings and a buyback program. Fishing was ramping down and lots of people were at risk of unemployment. The feds started a program where regional fishers would team up with Salmonid Stewardship groups like ours and learn some fisheries management skills. It wasn’t a bad idea. I had long felt that fishermen could contribute during the off season by helping with habitat inventory and resource improvement. So a group of guys showed up and were anxious to get to work – indeed.
They would get a bit of book work and lots of field time. We had them helping with fry salvage, stream bank restoration, brood stock collection, hatchery operations and habitat inventory.
I had a couple of the more energetic guys walk the Upper Chemainus River to see if there were fry salvage needs and other features like left over log jams (the river was once really plugged up and I thought many jams would have to be removed, but all of them eventually flushed right out of the system which was remarkable). One morning in the month of June, Jim Young set out to walk a portion of the Chemainus above camp. Young was a wiry, high energy character who thought nothing of walking hard miles in the bush. On the second day of bush whacking, he and his pals came to a shallow canyon that did not show on any map or even air photos. They hopped from boulder to boulder and were suddenly staring down at a school of steelhead bunched up below a falls. I went up the following day and saw about 20 fish in spawning colours. There were a few redds in downstream gravel patches. I was amped but also humbled. I had looked for years always going to where I thought the fish should be and never were. Jim Young put has teeth into the wind and just kept on going until he found the fish – indeed.

Adrian Curtain

Friday, August 31st, 2018

The Adrian Curtain

I am a biologist with more than 40 years experience in working with pipelines. I am quite confident that large diameter pipelines can be constructed with little impact on the land. Streams, mountain ranges, wetlands and important wildlife habitat can all be crossed without serious harm and there are often opportunities
to improve the environment with careful planning.
However, when it comes to the marine zone, I don`t think we have enough confidence to minimize the risk variables – especially oil spills – to an acceptable risk. I have been considering possible control measures for decades and, although i haven`t been able to conjure a method that would provide a high degree of confidence in all situations, i have a suggestion that may offer an important step:


The Adrian Curtain is a simple concept that was first proposed by a fellow biologist as a method to partition small lakes for study purposes. The curtain would be like a floating net except that it would hang much deeper. It would consist of a heavy lead line attached to a flexible sheet (curtain) supported by a float line of strong and flexible material like large “ corks “ or inflatable material like an aqua dam. the curtain would be a semi – permanent fixture around loading docks or stored on large rollers in a ship`s hold so they could be played out around a spill. Once the spill is surrounded (contained), it can be pulled into a central pool and pumped to another hold then ultimately re-processed or cleaned back to a finished product.

Ted Burns
RP Bio

Humboldt – Tines to Remember

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Humboldt: Times to Remember

Deane Swickard and I went up to Humboldt after the 64 Flood. We crossed the Klamath River on a ferry and the hills were still weeping from their saturated condition. I was somewhat familiar with the country because I had visited Mad River Ranch with my folks who were hoping to buy it. I had spent several weeks there in the summer and fall hunting and fishing. Deane was also no stranger because he had also hunted the area. The trip up was interesting because of all the wineries in Sonoma County that offered liberal tasting. It could have been worse but Deane wasn’t a drinker.
We booked into the Mai Kai apartments which were kind of like dorms but not really. Our roommates were guys from the Fresno area: Frank Deckert and Mike Smart. Frank was forestry student and Mike was still uncommitted. We met a number of good friends around there. Rich Lamb, Jim Linn, John Ellsworth and Tom Spencer . A lot of the guys in the Mai Kai were wildlife students who amused themselves by setting traps for other residents including us. We returned the favour and no one got hurt until we jammed the sliding glass door on our neighbors and threw tear gas in. It didn’t agree with those guys because one of them ran through the glass door. As I recall, that ended our time at Mai Kai.
I ended up at the nearby Redwood Gardens and worked as a janitor in the evenings. My employer was the football coach who had set up the program for his players but not enough wanted the jobs to fill them all. We cleaned the telephone building in Eureka. It took us less than two hours but we were paid for eight. I also put in a few shifts at the Keg, a fine little watering hole in Arcata. I had a soft spot for The Keg from day one when the place closed down at 2 AM but stayed open all night for the people selected by the owner, a notorious character who I only knew as “Junior “. He impressed us by dancing with the girls with a hammer in his pants. When he rubbed against them they screamed and fled the place. Junior claimed it had the opposite effect of course. The fact was there were very few girls at Humboldt in those days because it was mainly a fisheries and forestry school. The few women were as big and strong as BC loggers and the best of them had all the action they wanted and more.
Aside from sessions at the Keg, Flynn’s Inn and the occasional shift at Marino’s or Toby and Jack’s, we went to basketball and football games. When Bill Winkelholz a six foot ten forward from UCLA who played on their 1965 championship team showed up at Humboldt and we became friends, we went to nearly all the basketball games. The Lumberjacks didn’t win much but the games were good.
I had some great Profs at Humboldt. John DeWitt, Ernest Salo and George Allen in Fisheries and Dasmann, Mossman and Yoakum in wildlife. Dasmann had written a book called The Destruction of California and went on to write others and become revered in wildlife and conservation biology. He went on to teach at UC Santa Cruz. I had a soft spot for Dr. Allen because he was a fellow Canuck and hockey fan. We had a lot of good hockey talks especially when he discovered I had a friend (Jack Stanfield) who played for the Buffalo Bisons. Dr Allen sponsored my study of the effectiveness of mosquito fish in controlling mosquitoes in log ponds. He and Dr. Dewitt had strong roles in the development of Arcata Marsh, an innovative sewage treatment system that is much admired.
I also worked at the Arcata Hotel for awhile. The owner was Mr. Greer from Fortuna. He installed beer in the coke machine to keep a supply of young guys around but he cops got wind of it and I moved on to an apartment by the Keg where many more adventures would happen.
The Keg had one of those eight ball pool tables that are common in bars. There were a few hippies around Humboldt in those days and they often played pool in the Keg. They were happily at it one night when some Green Berets fresh from Viet Nam marched in and demanded that the “damn shrubs” give them the pool table. The hippies were rather undernourished and the Green Berets were large. Everyone thought the hippies would demure and fade into the night. No way. The fight was on. The skinny hippies beat the snipe out of the Army bullies who crawled out in tatters. They never showed up again and the hippies took their business to The Boot, a bush okie bar on the downtown square.
About that time we pulled a good one on Tom Spencer who was about to go off to Viet Nam. There was a hamburger joint just below our apartment. Spencer said he was hungry and was going to head down there. As got in line just below us, we phoned the place and warned that a criminal was in their lineup and about to rob them. We described Spencer and the girl got quite excited. “I see him, I see him” she yelled. “Call the cops immediately.” They must have been nearby because they whisked our poor roommate off without much fuss. Of course we were rolling on the floor by then. But round two was about to prevail. Spencer must have convinced the cops that we were responsible because before long there was a loud knock and the Sherriff strode in.
Lamb was into his cups and decided to deny everything and denounce law enforcement at the same time – he even scuffled with the Sherriff  Before long he got hauled off and they found out I had an unpaid ticket so both of us went to jail and Spencer went free and had the last laugh.
But maybe not because he was never heard from again after he went off to Viet Nam. He was a Canadian as well and could have high tailed it. Lots of Americans headed to BC when the army called and , to my knowledge, none ever suffered for it. Jimmy Carter pardoned them a few years later.
When I finished at Humboldt, Uncle Sam came for me too because I was a dual citizen and had been inducted into the army. “ report to Oakland army terminal” the notice said but I went the opposite direction to Nelson ,BC. I felt kind of bad because the Americans had given me a fine education for very little cost and I felt like I owed them . But not my life. Indeed.







Founders Hall at Humboldt

Spider Hansen – Nelson’s Greatest Angler

Friday, October 30th, 2015

It was about 1955 when Spider Hansen showed up in Nelson. Spider was a thin lad with dirty blond hair and coke bottle glasses. I have no idea where he was from. He lived in a little house off the alley at the west end of Mill Street beside a wooded ravine we called “The Gully”. I lived on Kootenay Street a short block away.
I met Spider shortly after he arrived. I think his name was Eugene – I called him Genie. He was a friendly, amiable fellow that I was to know for some twenty years. But I was soon to realize that he wasn’t always as mellow as I first supposed – he had little tolerance for teasing or bullying. Indeed. In those days skates did not have those plastic guards at the ends of the blades and could be considered a lethal weapon. One of the local players, a big lad, was teasing Spider in the dressing room at the Civic Center while he cleaned his skates. After a minute or two of this guff, Spider launched a skate at the guy’s head. It just missed and the blade stuck into the wall just inches from his head. Spider was roaring mad and foaming at the mouth. However, scenes like that were rare. Spider was usually calm and friendly.
Like me, he loved to fish. We went out to nearby Cottonwood Creek or down to the boat houses or City Wharf. Spider was a very patient angler and was easy to please. Most of the boys wanted a nice rainbow or Dolly or maybe a whitefish or two but Spider would happily spend hours in almost the same spot catching the odd shiner, chub or squawfish. One time a fine eighteen inch rainbow grabbed his bare hook by mistake as he dangled it in a school of shiners. We all cheered when Spider landed the beauty then rode his bike through Nelson with the trout on his handlebars. Another time he hooked an even bigger rainbow off the old Nasookin that was abandoned near the wharf but lost it.
I lost close contact with Spider about 1964 when I went off to California to go to school. I came home in the summers then and only saw him the odd time. He was always the same however and had an endearing habit: no matter how long it had been since I’d last seen him he always greeted me as if I had never been away. “Hi Teddy, lets go fishing.” I don’t think we ever fished again . The last time I saw him was about 1968. I was hitch hiking up to Nelson from Spokane and got stuck in Creston. It was getting dark and looked like snow so I walked back to town to try and get a bus. As I trudged along the dark street toward the bus station, there he was: ” Hi Teddy, lets go for some beer”. We settled in at the Kootenay Hotel for a few then bought a half sack for the bus ride through the snow.
I never saw him again. Some years later I asked Clare Palmer where he was. Clare said that in the last few years Spider had taken to hanging around the Nelson Truck Terminus hitching rides on long haul trucks. He would take his fishing gear and a small pack and fish his way across Canada. Clare went on to say that one year Spider failed to show at his pick up point somewhere out on the prairies – he was never seen again. I hope he is still out there somewhere pulling four inch perch out of some prairie slough.
For my money, Spider was Nelson’s greatest angler. Of course many will disagree and cite the names of some of the great ones like Danny McKay, George Bing, Skipper Wilson, Muggsy Holmes and company. Sure, those guys were great – real pros – but they lived for rainbows and wouldn’t think of fishing for anything less. Spider just loved to fish and catching something was almost beside the point – indeed. That’s how it should be.
Miss you Old Pal.

Fraser Crowds

Fraser Crowds

New Chinook Spawning Bed

Friday, December 30th, 2011

New Chinook Spawning Bed

Disturbing Trends on Lake Shores

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Disturbing Lakeshore Trends

Low Coho Returns

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Low Coho Returns

Lake Cowichan Pride

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Lake Cowichan Pride

Cutthroat Mystery

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Cutthroat Mystery

Garbage in the Woods

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Garbage in the Woods